My Story
My name is Dylan and I've been walking the path of Human Design for 12 years now. This system entered my life quite unexpectedly at a moment in which I instinctually was pivoting away from a conditioned life that simply wasn't satisfying to my soul. It was like a lightning bolt of confirmation that helped to affirm my continued movement towards my truest self.
I voraciously absorbed the Human Design System from the original publications and lectures of Ra Uru Hu, and reverse engineered my own chart into a detailed understanding of the system. As the details constellated into a clear picture of my truest being, I saw that I was literally designed to be a carrier of this knowledge - and that my life was timed to share with those who resonated at this particular moment of great collective transformation.
I kept the knowledge to myself for 7 years, a full cellular regeneration cycle, fully verifying its validity through my own experience before sharing it with others. It was called out of me organically and since then my practice has grown as has my ability to love and honor myself in all of my uniqueness.